银河体育app|搜狗指南产业  /  Group of industries
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来源: 天津银河体育app|搜狗指南银河体育app|搜狗指南
      Modern agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery are the sources of the Group’s “field-to-table” food industrial chain. The business covers planting, ecological agritourism, animal husbandry, aquaculture and feed industry. The core companies in this sector include Huangzhuangwa Rice Industry Co., Ltd. of Bohai Agriculture Group, Tianjin Agribusiness Co., Ltd., Longcheng Jiayi Co., Ltd., Jingbao Hot Spring Farm, Jialihe Animal Husbandry Group, Guangyuan Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinken’ao Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Leadar Seawater Resources Development Co., Ltd., and feed companies.